
Showing posts from August, 2021

Off to a good re-start!

  Please share your journey plan and goals below. Even though I've been on my journey for close to 10 years, it's still hard to put myself out there but feel I need to to really stay accountable. I decided to weigh in every Sunday. I weighed in August 1st after 4 weeks traveling stateside. Where I knowingly ate anything. Horrible choices and insane quantity. Haven't done it in a while because I knew the consequences. You can see the 12 lb game from my last weigh-in. Goal... Every two weeks shooting for 5 lb lost. Until I get closer to 200. I know we shouldn't do so much so fast. When I lost 100 lb, I would lose one a month and celebrate like crazy once I got to One-derland. It was awesome to keep it off for 5 to 6 years. But I haven't weighed what I weigh now since 2013 after losing around 60 lb. (In 2011 after baby number four I was close to 300 lb). Fat and happy. Plan... ("Water S.E.E.D.S." to grow healthy.) Water, drink half my weight in ounces per day...