Bunion Surgery Anniversary

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2 years ago. Bunionectomy-versary. ðŸ˜‚
So glad I did it. Blessed it was possible.
I'll never forget my mom taking me to a podiatrist when I was in grade school and hearing the doctor explain the invasive surgery, and doing both feet at once was best to do during the summer. Well for our family resources at the time, that wasn't an option.
So, then I very clearly remember the doctor saying, "then get the surgery when it hurts to walk" because I will need surgery eventually.
In 2013, I started to have pain.
In 2015, it hurt to stand and walk, daily.
January 2016, my right foot was operated on using the invasive surgery because of how severe my bunion was to fix. The surgery took extra time because of the damage, my surgeon told my husband.
6 weeks no weight bearing.
2 weeks in a boot
5 weeks therapy that failed at one company
4 weeks physical therapy at new company to undo poor therapy at previous place and try to get my foot where it needed to be.
All this to say, I wanted my feet fixed.
I didn't want to inconvenience my family or interrupt our service/schedule in Guatemala. But what would be more inconvenient is not being able to stand and walk!
So I thank my husband, kids, family, supporters, and friends for their love, prayers, and support.
They didn't know my daily foot pain and suffering, but supported the wise choice to get this done for improving the quality of my life. We only get one.
All this to praise God for my new feet and encourage anyone reading this to be wise. Increase the quality of your life through needed changes or decisions. Take care of YOU! It's wise.

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