Monthly Schedule, do you have one?

It's great to get into a routine! It's great to have a goal, to decide how to reach the goal, and to get there with you acting on that Plan!

In December 2016, I made a plan. Not just one for our family and what we will do for school, home, and extra curricular, but a plan for my health and while I am doing it, to share that plan with others.

I just took a piece of paper and wrote out the months. I mapped out what I wanted to do. I wanted a Free Group, a Challenge Group, and a time to share an opportunity to do what I do, coach others with the potential of side or full time income (this is based on your efforts, skills, and dedication, there is no guarantee of income).

You may or may not know that I offer these three things every month! (My Events Page)

First Monday Starts my FREE Group Focus:

  • For a week focus on a healthy habit
  • It's encouraged to try to focus all month
  • Anyone is invited, but currently we are all women!
  • The Free Group is on Facebook and here's our schedule on our cover photo

Second Monday Starts my Challenge Group:

  • Check out the Challenge more here.
  • You pick your preferred plan
  • You have a nutrition plan
  • You have a fitness plan
  • You have support to encourage you
  • You are encouraged to use the free app to stay accountable and track your progress
  • You can get two weeks free for new clients!

Third Monday is my Info and Q&A Session for the Coaching Opportunity:

  • If you rather just check into the Coaching Opportunity now on your own, see my Coach Page
  • It's a membership to be with others ALWAYS focused on health and happiness
  • It's a way to help others in this world
  • It's a way to potentially earn income on the side or possibly replace income.
  • It is up to you on what YOU make it, just like our health journey!
Message me at for any questions you have or to get plugged into any or all of the offerings I have!

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes. The Statement of Independent Coach Earnings can be found at

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