You Spend Money and Time...Where?

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In life we spend money and we spend time, how are you going to spend yours? It's a choice...
It's Day 170 of 2017! My daily shake... Makes Health so EASY and DELICIOUS!!!!
I recently went to the doctor about not feeling well. I had a fever and other symptoms. It seemed to be something going around.
He looked in my chart and was trying to find out the last time I came to him. Would you believe the date was in 2012? ðŸ™Œ
People say that eating healthy can be expensive. Well being sick can cost you both time and money we're healthy only cost you money but gives you more time to live and enjoy living. I have thoroughly enjoyed the freedom of not going to the doctor. Amen, right!?
I have saved time sitting in a waiting room, saved time not going to the pharmacy, saved money on a copay for doctor visit, saved money from the pharmacy in prescription or over-the-counter medicines, saved time not having to lie on the couch or in bed with downtime. Moms aren't allowed downtime. ðŸ˜‰
I'll say it again...
In life we spend money and we spend time, how are you going to spend yours? It's a choice.

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