Many ways to measure your progress

Today there are many ways to measure your progress in your personal health Journey.
Image may contain: 3 peopleFor many people, they just get on the weight scale. Others use a tape measure for measuring inches in various areas. Others try to improve their times for a certain running distance While others do a particular Fitness routine and as the routine gets easier they feel more progress. Then of course there are some of us who take a series of photos weekly or monthly to see progress.
Please do both scalable and non scalable measurements of progress for your personal Journey.
I know for my personal journey in the beginning, numbers were the best thing ever. It helped motivate me, let me see that there was Improvement when I didn't feel it, and helped me stay on track.
During that time, I finally started taking pictures as I was losing weight during my goal to just stop being sick.
 Yes weight loss was not my original goal. It was just a byproduct of eating better. I had strictly changed my eating and was in less than 2 years I had lost a hundred pounds. For me that was 5 women jean sizes, two ring sizes, a couple of underwear sizes, and definitely a bra size change. Would you believe that I actually lost a shoe size too? 

So for now, many years later in my journey, all of those are just numbers that I don't really care about anymore and are really misleading.
I am still very close to the smallest size I achieved years ago, but yet I weigh more. I have added Fitness and have had surgery with months of down time, so I'm not really concerned about certain numbers anymore while I am mainly sticking to my original goal which is health. So the numbers I am concerned about are more of my blood work and blood pressure. Those are the numbers that will determine illness or other awful diseases.
Your body will either host health or illness it can't host both.
So my passion is to encourage others to have a healthy habits lifestyle to increase one's body's immunity so they can live their days as healthy as they can.
I am proof of that. Yes even all these years later, I am still astonished at the food changes absolutely changing my quality of life. If you are ready to make immediate or slow changes, comment below or message me.
I would love to listen to your goals, your past struggles, and let's get you a plan to achieve your own personal success in your time, your way, with your resources. You can do this. You must believe that, decided, and make a commitment.
The attached photo collage is today's weekly measurements. So what, I gained almost a half pound in one week? My Wii Fit age is 11 months younger than I really am. Well my birthday is in 2 days. So it's 11 months from two days. And today is May 7th.
Extend forgiveness and love to yourself. Once you do that you will be amazed at what you can do if you make today or tomorrow your day one.

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