My story...

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Welcome to my site focused on Nutrition, Fitness, and Self Care. These are key to living your days as best as you can! It's easier to do with unconditional support to increase your long term success.

It's my purpose to educate and support others for Healthy Habits Living through sharing resources! You'll also be inspired to dream big and start living a much more fulfilling life, now.

I'm a happy wife, mother mom of 4, running 2 businesses while personally maintaining healthy habits after an amazing Personal Health Overhaul from Oct 2011 to Sept 2013. After changing my eating lifestyle through "Ingredient Hacking", it was amazing to experience losing 5 jean sizes, 2 ring sizes and more. Now it's great to have energy and keep up with the kids (home schooling & travel), the house, the nonprofit ministry, and my wellness business. It cannot be done unless I'm focused on my personal responsibility for healthy habits living daily.

See it wasn't always this great for me. After suffering with PCOS for decades (including infertility and miscarriage), stress induced high blood pressure, other TMI symptoms/issues (I'll spare you), I found myself tired, achy, and weighing my heaviest after the birth of our fourth child at 38 years old, I thought I was eating healthy and active, but I was so wrong and not in the best shape to keep up with my roles/responsibilities.

There are too many myth health foods, 'diets' that are not custom enough for each of our unique needs, and workouts that are not realistic for all body types, skills, and abilities. Through my personal experience, story, and continued success, I can help you with a plan unique to you.

It is truly mind-blowing that my passion for personal health and fitness would lead me to helping countless others in a home-based business. I am dedicated not only to helping others design their health journey (unique and realistic), but also helping them design their life with this amazing opportunity!

I'm looking forward to connecting with you here on my general page or ask to join my free support group or the details of my next challenge group! Monthly, I also share the opportunity for your own home-based business. So look in my EVENTS tab to attend the next one.

Message me to get your wellness journey started, restarted, or with support so you reach your success your way in your time.

Your healthy witness,

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