Motivated to live healthy and fit

I am looking for motivated women who would like to be paid for living healthy and fit. Women who like to motivate and inspire others to also achieve their goal of getting in shape and being healthy.
Your training (including social networking) will be provided for you, so you will not need experience. Simply be responsible and be enterprising. You can earn income on a medium or full time basis. Also earn paid trips and be part of my great team so inspiring full of positive warriors and who help each other.
You will be in my EXCLUSIVE training for the next 30 days. During this time you will receive all the necessary tools that will help you start working on your health and your body and how to have a successful business. You will not have to be guessing things!
We'll start when you are READY!
What to expect:
π Personal advice
π Support and motivation with my fellow team and business colleagues
π Call and team training
π Learn how to feed yourself better and exercise from home
π Learn how to guide others to live a healthier life through implementing our proven duplicative training system
The following qualities are the ones I am looking for:
π Professional minded women that seek to design a better future for themselves and their family.
π People that like to travel.
π Have a passion for helping others live a healthier life.
πConquerors that are without fear, fighters, woman of faith and motivated to want to succeed.
π You want to create extra income for your family.
Please know:
π You do not need to be an expert in nutrition and exercise.
π You do not need to be in shape or have a spectacular body!
π You just need to want to get in shape and have a passion for this lifestyle.
In 2011, I was overweight, overwhelmed, insecure in being a mom of four, tired, and achy. I only lived for my hubby, kids, and household chores. I never made time to care about myself. I used to put everything first, and I always left myself last for everything.
I was already exhausted from it all!
I wanted something different for me, to be in shape, to be with my children. Then to be a Wellness Consultant and to have control of my time. Who would have thought that my passion to change my lifestyle would change my life completely. I have been able to lower the cost of our healthy food and buy birthday gifts we weren't able to purchase before. Thanks to the income that I have been able to generate through this opportunity.
Being a, Independent Team Beachbody Coach is the best thing that has happened to me and my family! WHY NOT YOU?
❌This opportunity is not for people who are already Beachbody coaches.
Send me a private message with the phrase "I want that opportunity!"
Share this with anyone you think this opportunity would be a good fit for as well.
π Beachbody does not guarantee the level of income or the success of the opportunity offered by Beachbody. The income of each coach depends on your efforts, skills and how diligent.