Peace and Wisdom 2017

Image may contain: 1 person, closeupI was asked to write down the word or words I was going to focus on for 2017. Peace and Wisdom are mine. They work in my personal and professional lives! 
According to Google, Peace means "
freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility". For me specifically in all areas in my life, it means to not be anxious, to not be shaken, for my Spirit to be calm and collected in all situations. It's not secret that in my past I've been the Type-A, over worrier, and more. I want to change that all so much and I am making evolving changes daily.
According to Google, Wisdom means "the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise." For me this means to take all my past experiences, all my knowledge and be as wise as possible, daily, in decisions, actions, and words. That's what we should do as we get older, right? Well for some of us old dogs, we don't learn new tricks well. But this ol' dog, is going to try and try her hardest! 
My family
 and I are already enjoying the benefits of these adjustments in mindset and actions with just these two simple words to focus on. What's your focus for 2017?

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