Motivation: My Health Journey

Motivation Monday
Hope this speaks to someone...
My testimony as of right now...
(long post warning)

     This is a photo of me probably around 1998 (on the left) with a photo of me this Month, June 2015 (on the right).

     It NEVER occurred to me that I was obese, just thick. I have ALWAYS loved what I saw in the mirror. I still do. My blood work numbers have always been "in range". I have just suffered with "stress induced hypertension" and with PCOS (dx'd 2003).

     In 2011 following the birth of our 4th child in 6 yrs at my heaviest-ever, I suffered knee pains walking stairs and just difficulty fitting in seats (especially flying & theaters). I was plus-size for 18 years, that's most of my adult life, so I never knew anything different. I was "ok" in my health until I realized "ingredients" made me suffer physically, kept me fatigued, and I accepted my "seasonal colds" as the norm stocking up on OTC meds.

     Additional incentive to changing lifestyle (to increase health long-term) came from seeing family and friends suffering (wheelchair or bed ridden) with chronic health problems or completely unexpected diagnosis overnight with severe or sometimes fatal results taxing family and friends for weeks, months, or years. This is surely a wake-up call when I realize that I can control, with the help of support, what goes in my mouth and what goes in is affecting my physical health.

     It is a total shock that changing my food Quality, Quantity, and Frequency (my formula) has yielded these results that have proven long-lasting, realistic, and doable!!  My food groups are now protein, vegetables, healthy fats, and fiber for my three meals (ref: JJ Virgin). It has continued to keep my body healthy and maintaining weight has been easier than ever. No surgery, gimmicks, pills, temporary products, etc!! Just food!!

     In the past, I am used to losing 20, 30 or 40 pounds and gaining it back 3 to 6 months later or gaining more. I counted a lot having done low calorie, low fat, and low carbohydrate diets. I am so glad to lose 100 lbs in 20 months WITHOUT counting anything, only changing food. Then, I have kept 90 lbs off for close to 21 months. Victory! Pinch me!!!!!

     The journey for health is still going to increase muscle while decreasing stored fat (ref: 21 Day Fix program). It's great to see inches lost and to be "ok" with a pound gain, because it's muscle!! It has all started with MINDSET. I thought about each stage of this journey at least 6 months to a year before it happened. I visualized what I'd need to change permanently to make it happen long term. I looked at the budget, our resources, and my husband joined this journey with me which made it much easier. (Put your mind to it, and do it, with support!! Support = Success)

     Now, my blood work is in really good shape, and I NO longer suffer seasonal high blood pressure and NO PCOS suffering!! It is liberating to be PCOS-Free!! Amen.

     This year, I have added fitness (ref: Beachbody fitness programs) to this lifestyle. It's min 3 days to 5 days a week. It has increased the skin shrinkage from the fat loss as well as building muscle because I would like to walk and be mobile for all the days I am blessed with. It's where I get my MOTTO to "Live your days as healthy as you can!" came from, think about it.

     Daily, I think of any person desiring the same results, to have a health journey, but currently has little-to-no knowledge of where to start, limited resources, or lacking support like I was in 2011.

     If you desire some encouragement, support, or guidance through various professional resources, message me privately, and I would be happy to listen to what you need. I honestly offer 100% free health guidance for life. You are never obligated to purchase anything from me EVER. Most of what I've done, I have done through free resources, and you can too. I'm here to be your Health Friend for as long as you'll have me.

     This is my life journey, and I thank you for being part of it. Please comment or private message me to let me know I am encouraging or resourceful. I know many of us do NOT agree on Health truths, but I hope we all agree that HEALTH is the goal, not skinny! I define Healthy as improved lab and test results, and a life living without symptoms. I personally add that with my doctor over seeing my journey, I am medicine free too! It is possible!

Your health friend,
Jackie, Healthy Witness

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