We have heard this saying many times: "You are what you eat." How about the saying, "you are HOW MUCH you eat" or "your quality of health is the quality of food you eat" All these thoughts above came to head for me October 2011. I got sick, real sick. It was a 24 hr BUG" or was it? It was a day after my daughter's birthday party. So the days before, I had sugar, sugar, sugar. The day I was sick... lets just say I have never been that sick before, ever and my body wanted everything out of it, no matter how it did it. I couldn't even sip water. Not a fun day. Lets skip TMI details and fast forward to a lab result I will never forget... translated in English was "Abundance of Yeast". I was like what? huh? So as anyone does these days, I did an online search. the search led me to several articles that clicked! Spoke to me! and Helped me change THAT DAY! Real quick, let me Rewind back... Oct 2010, before my 4th child was d...