This is it, 2012's last week!

Oh, wow! If you told me I'd be in a Health Journey in 2012, I'd shake my head a laugh as I ate my cream horn (it's a "cream" aka: Crisco & sugar stuffed pastry), or big mac, or diet coke with sweethearts or something very very bad, processed, toxic, and sugary!

Well I did and I am! It's awesome! It rocks and I'm not looking back with your help for sure! I of course contribute this journey's door opening for me by the grace of God and my husband agreed to join me in the 100% change of eating lifestyle first with the hopes of adding the gym and other forms of exercise when the season and time allows for it realistically and with sanity.

We just went to a wedding this past weekend, and I asked my daughter to take my photo in my size "L" dress. I do not know when I wore a size "L" last, maybe High School. Then I searched on my computer for a photo a year ago. This is the comparison:

Dec 2011 compared with Dec 2012.
Yep, I'm happy with the results of eating right!|
If you struggle, or need an ear, message me healthywitness(at)
I am excited! This journey "officially" started October 2011, so only 2 months before the 1st photo was taken. I say officially because it's when I really made a change in our eating drastically. In Feb 2011, I gave birth to my 4th (and final) child when I reached the heaviest of my life! By October 2011, I had actually gotten close to my pre-pregnancy weight (for THAT pregnancy). I still have a net gain from my previous pregnancies. I hadn't lost weight before my previous kids were 1 yr old before so this was new and I see how God had this planned all along since committing myself to this journey in October 2010 while I was pregnant, getting huge and had other friends successfully changing their lifestyles and losing weight at a good pace and to keep it off! I wanted that too, for me, when that time came. I didn't know when it would but when it did, I was ready mentally!

Not too sure what will be in store for me for 2013, but I am still IN THE GAME! Let's Do this! You too can take baby steps with me in learning how to go from junk-food-junkie to eating-for your health for your life for life! AMEN!

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